Sunday, November 25, 2012

From Democritus to Dalton...Evolution of the Atomic Theory


Atoms from Democritus to Dalton

by Anthony Carpi, Ph.D.
elements of matter
Early humans easily distinguished between materials that were used for making clothes, shaping into tools, or good to eat, and they developed a language of words to describe these things, such as “fur,” “stone,” or “rabbit.” However, these people did not have our current understanding of the substances that made up those objects. Empedocles, a Greek philosopher and scientist who lived on the south coast of Sicily between 492 BCE and 432 BCE, proposed one of the first theories that attempted to describe the things around us. Empedocles argued that all matter was composed of four elements: fire, air, water, and earth. The ratio of these four elements affected the properties of the matter. Stone was thought to contain a high amount of earth, while a rabbit was thought to have a higher ratio of both water and fire, thus making it soft and giving it life. Empedocles’s theory was quite popular, but it had a number of problems. For example, no matter how many times you break a stone in half, the pieces never resemble any of the core elements of fire, air, water, or earth. Despite these problems, Empedocles’s theory was an important development in scientific thinking because it was among the first to suggest that some substances that looked like pure materials, like stone, were actually made up of a combination of different "elements."
chemical reaction - ancient
A few decades after EmpedoclesDemocritus, another Greek who lived from 460 BCE to 370 b.c., developed a new theory of matter that attempted to overcome the problems of his predecessor. Democritus’s ideas were based on reasoning rather than science, and drew on the teachings of two Greek philosophers who came before him: Leucippus and Anaxagoras. Democritus knew that if you took a stone and cut it in half, each half had the same properties as the original stone. He reasoned that if you continued to cut the stone into smaller and smaller pieces, at some point you would reach a piece so tiny that it could no longer be divided. Democritus called these infinitesimally small pieces of matter atomos, meaning "indivisible." He suggested that atomos were eternal and could not be destroyed. Democritus theorized that atomos were specific to the material that they made up, meaning that the atomos of stone were unique to stone and different from the atomos of other materials, such as fur. This was a remarkable theory that attempted to explain the whole physical world in terms of a small number of ideas.
Ultimately, though, Aristotle and Plato, two of the best-known philosophers of Ancient Greece, rejected the theories of Democritus. Aristotle accepted the theory of Empedocles, adding his own (incorrect) idea that the four core elements could be transformed into one another. Because of Aristotle’s great influence, Democritus’s theory would have to wait almost 2,000 years before being rediscovered.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries CE, several key events helped revive the theory that matter was made of small, indivisible particles. In 1643, Evangelista Torricelli, an Italian mathematician and pupil of Galileo, showed that air had weight and was capable of pushing down on a column of liquid mercury (thus inventing the barometer). This was a startling finding. If air - this substance that we could not see, feel, or smell - had weight, it must be made of something physical. But how could something have a physical presence, yet not respond to human touch or sight? Daniel Bernoulli, a Swiss mathematician, proposed an answer. He developed a theory that air and other gases consist of tiny particles that are too small to be seen, and are loosely packed in an empty volume of space. The particles could not be felt because unlike a solid stone wall that does not move, the tiny particles move aside when a human hand or body moves through them. Bernoulli reasoned that if these particles were not in constant motion they would settle to the ground like dust particles; therefore he pictured air and other gases as loose collections of tiny billiard-ball-like particles that are continuously moving around and bouncing off one another.
cinnabar - 3D
Many scientists were busy studying the natural world at this time. Shortly after Bernoulli proposed histheory, the Englishman Joseph Priestley began to experiment with red mercury calx in 1773. Mercury calx, a red solid stone, had been known and coveted for thousands of years because when it is heated, it appears to turn into mercury, a silver liquid metal. Priestley had observed that it does not just turn into mercury; it actually breaks down into two substances when it is heated, liquid mercury and a strange gas. Priestley carefully collected this gas in glass jars and studied it. After many long days and nights in the laboratory, Priestley said of the strange gas, “what surprised me more than I can well express was that a candle burned in this air with a remarkably vigorous flame.” Not only did flames burn strongly in this gas, but a mouse placed in a sealed container of this gas lived for a longer period of time than a mouse placed in a sealed container of ordinary air. Priestley’s discovery revealed that substances could combine together or break apart to form new substances with different properties. For example, a colorless, odorless gas could combine with mercury, a silver metal, to form mercury calx, a red mineral.
Priestley called the gas he discovered dephlogisticated air, but this name would not stick. In 1778, Antoine Lavoisier, a French scientist, conducted many experiments with dephlogisticated air and theorized that the gas made some substances acidic. He renamed Priestley’s gas oxygen, from the Greek words that loosely translate as "acid maker". While Lavoisier’stheory about oxygen and acids proved incorrect, his name stuck. Lavoisier knew from other scientists before him that acids react with some metals to release another strange and highly flammable gas called phlogiston. Lavoisier mixed the two gases, phlogiston and the newly renamed oxygen, in a closed glass container and inserted a match. He saw that phlogiston immediately burned in the presence of oxygen and afterwards he observed droplets of water on the glass container. After careful testing, Lavoisier realized that the water was formed by the reaction of phlogiston and oxygen, and so he renamed phlogiston hydrogen, from the Greek words for "water maker". Lavoisier also burned other substances such as phosphorus and sulfur in air, and showed that they combined with air to make new materials. These new materials weighed more than the original substances, and Lavoisier showed that the weight gained by the new materials was lost from the air in which the substances were burned. From these observations, Lavoisier established the Law of Conservation of Mass, which says that mass is not lost or gained during a chemical reaction.
priestleys apparatus - An eighteenth-century chemistry bench.
An eighteenth-century chemistry bench.
Priestley, Lavoisier, and others had laid the foundations of the field of chemistry. Their experiments showed that some substances could combine with others to form new materials; other substances could be broken apart to form simpler ones; and a few key “elements” could not be broken down any further. But what could explain this complex set of observations? John Dalton, an exceptional British teacher and scientist, put together the pieces and developed the first modern atomic theory in 1803. To learn more about Priestley's and Lavoisier's experiments and how they formed the basis of Dalton's theories, try the interactive experiment Dalton's Playhouse, linked to below.
An interactive, virtual set of experiments that allow you to recreate classic experiments from the nineteenth century.
Dalton made it a regular habit to track and record the weather in his home town of Manchester, England. Through his observations of morning fog and other weather patterns, Dalton realized that water could exist as a gas that mixed with air and occupied the same space as air. Solids could not occupy the same space as each other; for example, ice could not mix with air. So what could allow water to sometimes behave as a solid and sometimes as a gas? Dalton realized that all matter must be composed of tiny particles. In the gas state, those particles floated freely around and could mix with other gases, as Bernoulli had proposed. But Dalton extended this idea to apply to all matter – gases, solids and liquids. Dalton first proposed part of his atomic theory in 1803 and later refined these concepts in his classic 1808 paper A New System of Chemical Philosophy (which you can access through a link in the right menu).
elements-daltonelements-dalton 2
Dalton's Elements
Dalton's theory had four main concepts:
  1. All matter is composed of indivisible particles called atoms.Bernoulli, Dalton, and others pictured atoms as tiny billiard-ball-like particles in various states of motion. While this concept is useful to help us understand atoms, it is not correct as we will see in later modules on atomic theory linked to at the bottom of this module.
  2. All atoms of a given element are identical; atoms of differentelements have different properties. Dalton’s theory suggested that every single atom of an element such as oxygen is identical to every other oxygen atom; furthermore, atoms of different elements, such as oxygen and mercury, are different from each other. Dalton characterized elements according to their atomic weight; however, when isotopes of elements were discovered in the late 1800s this concept changed.
  3. Chemical reactions involve the combination of atoms, not the destruction of atoms. Atoms are indestructible and unchangeable, socompounds, such as water and mercury calx, are formed when one atom chemically combines with other atoms. This was an extremely advanced concept for its time; while Dalton’s theory implied that atoms bonded together, it would be more than 100 years before scientists began to explain the concept of chemical bonding.
  4. When elements react to form compounds, they react in defined, whole-number ratios. The experiments that Dalton and others performed showed that reactions are not random events; they proceed according to precise and well-defined formulas. This important concept in chemistry is discussed in more detail below.
Some of the details of Dalton’s atomic theory require more explanation.
Elements: As early as 1660, Robert Boyle recognized that the Greek definition of element (earth, fire, air, and water) was not correct. Boyle proposed a new definition of an element as a fundamental substance, and we now define elements as fundamental substances that cannot be broken down further by chemical means. Elements are the building blocks of theuniverse. They are pure substances that form the basis of all of the materials around us. Some elements can be seen in pure form, such as mercury in a thermometer; some we see mainly in chemical combination with others, such as oxygen and hydrogen in water. We now know of approximately 116 different elements. Each of the elements is given a name and a one- or two-letter abbreviation. Often this abbreviation is simply the first letter of the element; for example, hydrogen is abbreviated as H, and oxygen as O. Sometimes an element is given a two-letter abbreviation; for example, helium is He. When writing the abbreviation for an element, the first letter is always capitalized and the second letter (if there is one) is always lowercase.
Atoms: A single unit of an element is called an atom. The atom is the most basic unit of matter, which makes up everything in the world around us. Each atom retains all of the chemical and physical properties of its parent element. At the end of the nineteenth century, scientists would show that atoms were actually made up of smaller, "subatomic" pieces, which smashed the billiard-ball concept of the atom (see our Atomic Theory I: The Early Days module).
water molecule - with hooks
Compounds: Most of the materials we come into contact with are compounds, substances formed by the chemical combination of two or more atoms of the elements. A single “particle” of a compound is called amolecule. Dalton incorrectly imagined that atoms “hooked” together to form molecules. However, Dalton correctly realized that compounds have precise formulas. Water, for example, is always made up of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. The chemical formula of a compound is written by listing the symbols of the elements together, without any spaces between them. If a molecule contains more than one atom of an element, a number is subscripted after the symbol to show the number of atoms of that element in the molecule. Thus the formula for water is H2O, never HO or H2O2.
The idea that compounds have defined chemical formulas was first proposed in the late 1700s by the French chemist Joseph Proust. Proust performed a number of experiments and observed that no matter how he caused different elements to react with oxygen, they always reacted in defined proportions. For example, two parts of hydrogen always reacts with one part oxygen when forming water; one part mercury always reacts with one part oxygen when forming mercury calx. Dalton used Proust’sLaw of Definite Proportions in developing his atomic theory.
balloon - definite proportions
The law also applies to multiples of the fundamental proportion, for example:
balloon - multiple proportions
In both of these examples, the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen to water is 2 to 1 to 1. When reactants are present in excess of the fundamental proportions, some reactants will remain unchanged after the chemical reaction has occurred.
balloon - excess reactant
The story of the development of modern atomic theory is one in which scientists built upon the work of others to produce a more accurate explanation of the world around them. This process is common in science, and even incorrect theories can contribute to important scientific discoveries. Dalton, Priestley, and others laid the foundation of atomic theory, and many of their hypotheses are still useful. However, in the decades after their work, other scientists would show that atoms are not solid billiard balls, but complex systems of particles. Thus they would smash apart a bit of Dalton’s atomic theory in an effort to build a more complete view of the world around us.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Unit IV Reading: Properties and Changes in Matter

Properties and Changes of Matter

Properties and Changes of Matter

Lesson Objectives

The student will:
  • explain the difference between physical and chemical properties of matter.
  • list examples of physical properties.
  • list examples of chemical properties.
  • classify properties as chemical properties or physical properties.
  • explain the difference between physical and chemical changes in matter.
  • list examples of physical changes.
  • list examples of chemical changes.
  • classify changes as physical changes or chemical changes.


  • chemical change
  • chemical property
  • physical change
  • physical property


What kinds of properties do chemists actually measure in the laboratory? Well, you can probably guess a few. Imagine that you are having dinner at a friend’s house and are served something that you don’t recognize. What types of observations might you make to determine what you’ve been given? You might note the smell or color of the food. You might observe whether the food is a liquid or a solid. You could also pick up a small amount of food with your fork and try to figure out how much it weighs. A light dessert might be something like an angel cake, while a heavy dessert is probably a pound cake. You might also want to know something about the food’s texture. Is it hard and granular like sugar cubes, or soft and easy to spread like butter?
Believe it or not, the observations you are likely to make when trying to identify an unknown food are very similar to the observations that a chemists makes when trying to learn about a new material. In general, chemists are interested in characteristics that you can test and observe, such as a chemical’s smell or color, and characteristics that are far too small to see, such as what the oxygen you breathe in or the carbon dioxide you breathe out looks like. Chemists rely on color, state (solid, liquid, or gas), temperature, volume, mass, and texture. There is, however, one property you might use to learn about a food but that you should definitely not use to learn about a chemical – taste!

Physical and Chemical Properties

There are two basic types of properties that are used to identify or describe matter: physical properties and chemical properties. Physical properties are properties that can be observed without changing the identity of the substance. In the image below, we have water molecules that are held in liquid form on the left. Each molecule contains two atoms of hydrogen chemically bounded with one atom of oxygen. When we heat the liquid water, it changes to water vapor. The physical properties change - we can see the liquid water, but the water vapor cannot be seen. Liquid water has a higher density than water vapor, and so on. But even though the physical properties have changed, the molecules are exactly the same as before. Each water molecule still contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom chemically bounded together.
On the other hand, chemical properties can only be observed when a substance is changed into a new substance. In the image below, on the left we have a molecule of methane (\mathrm{CH}_4) and two molecules of oxygen (\mathrm{O}_2). On the right, we have two molecules of water (\mathrm{H}_2\mathrm{O}) and one molecule of carbon dioxide (\mathrm{CO}_2). In this case, not only has the appearance changed, but the structures of the molecules have also changed. The new substances do not have the same chemical properties as the original ones. Therefore, this is a chemical change. The chemical properties, such as how they react and what they react with, however, will still be the same as before.

Physical and Chemical Changes

Chemists make a distinction between two different types of changes that they study: physical changes and chemical changes. Physical changes are changes that do not alter the identity of a substance. Some types of physical changes include:
  • changes of state (changes from a solid to a liquid or a gas, and vice versa)
  • separation of a mixture
  • physical deformation (cutting, denting, stretching)
  • making solutions (special kinds of mixtures)
If you have a jar containing a mixture of pennies and nickels and you sort the mixture so that you have one pile of pennies and another pile of nickels, you have not altered the identity of either the pennies or the nickels. You’ve merely separated them into two groups. Similarly, if you have a piece of paper and you rip it up, you don’t change the paper into something other than a piece of paper. These are examples of a physical change. For the most part, physical changes tend to be reversible, or capable of occurring in both directions. You can turn liquid water into solid water (ice) through cooling, and you can also turn solid water into liquid water through heating (Figure below).
Melting lake side
Melting snow is an example of a physical change.
Chemical changes are changes that occur when one substance is turned into another substance. Chemical changes are frequently harder to reverse than physical changes. One good example of a chemical change is burning paper. In contrast to the act of ripping paper, the act of burning paper actually results in the formation of new chemicals (carbon dioxide and water, to be exact). Notice that whereas ripped paper can be at least partially reassembled, burned paper cannot be “unburned.” In other words, burning only goes in one direction. The fact that burning is not reversible is another good indication that it involves a chemical change. Another example of a chemical change, illustrated in Figure below, is the explosion of fireworks.
Fireworks are an example of a chemical change.

Lesson Summary

  • There are two basic types of properties that are used to identify or describe matter: physical properties and chemical properties.
  • Physical properties are those that can be observed without changing the identity of the substance.
  • Chemical properties are those that can be observed only when a substance is changed into a new substance.
  • Chemists make a distinction between two different types of changes that they study: physical changes and chemical changes.
  • Physical changes are changes that do not alter the identity of a substance
  • Chemical changes are changes that occur when one substance is turned into another substance.
  • Chemical changes are frequently harder to reverse than physical changes.

Further Reading / Supplemental Links

This website provides some free PowerPoint presentations. The presentation on “Matter and Energy" provides a review of some properties of matter, as well as provide examples of the topics covered in this lesson.
This website has lessons, worksheets, and quizzes on various high school chemistry topics. Lesson 1-5 is on physical and chemical properties, as well as physical and chemical changes.

Review Questions

For questions 1-2, determine whether the description is of a physical property or a chemical property.
  1. Water boils at 100^\circC.
    1. This is a physical property.
    2. This is a chemical property.
  2. Diamonds will cut glass.
    1. This is a physical property.
    2. This is a chemical property.
For questions 3-7, determine whether the description is of a physical change or a chemical change.
  1. Water can be separated by electrolysis into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas.
    1. This is a physical change.
    2. This is a chemical change.
  2. Sugar dissolves in water.
    1. This is a physical change.
    2. This is a chemical change.
  3. Vinegar and baking soda react to produce a gas.
    1. This is a physical change.
    2. This is a chemical change.
  4. Yeast acts on sugar to form carbon dioxide and ethanol.
    1. This is a physical change.
    2. This is a chemical change.
  5. Wood burns, producing several new substances.
    1. This is a physical change.
    2. This is a chemical change.

Unit IV Reading: What is Matter?

What is Matter?

Lesson Objectives

The student will:
  • define matter and explain how it is composed of building blocks known as atoms.
  • explain the differences between substances and mixtures.
  • classify mixtures as homogeneous or heterogeneous.
  • identify the chemical symbols of common elements.
  • explain the difference between an element and a compound by their symbols or formulas.
  • demonstrate the proper use of parentheses and subscripts in writing chemical formulas.
  • determine the number of atoms and name of each element in a compound.


  • atom
  • compound
  • element
  • heterogeneous mixture
  • homogeneous mixture
  • law of constant composition
  • matter
  • molecule


Matter is anything that has mass and volume. The entire universe is composed of matter, which is in turn composed of atoms. An atom is the basic building block of all matter. All matter in the universe, from a teaspoon of salt to the Pacific Ocean, has mass and occupies space. The salt and ocean, however, have very different properties and behaviors. Since everything in the universe is composed of matter, there are clearly many types of matter. In this lesson, you will learn about how scientists classify the different types of matter.

Categories of Matter

Matter can be classified into two broad categories: mixtures and pure substances, as illustrated below.
Mixtures are physical combinations of two or more substances. The term “physical combination” refers to mixing together different substances that do not chemically react with each other. The physical appearance of the substances may change, but the atoms in the substances do not.
In comparison, a pure substance is a form of matter that has a constant composition and constant properties throughout the sample. Elements and compounds are both example of pure substances.

Mixtures: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous

One example of a mixture is sand and gravel stirred together. In this case, you can see that there are two different substances present, each with the same properties that it had before it was mixed. When substances do not mix thoroughly and evenly (like sand and gravel), the mixture is said to be heterogeneous. A heterogeneous mixture consists of visibly different substances.
Another example of a mixture is salt dissolved in water. In this case, you cannot see the different substances, but you can test the solution to show that each substance (salt and water) has the same chemical properties it had before being mixed. When substances mix thoroughly and evenly (like salt in water), the mixture is said to be homogeneous.Homogeneous mixtures are often referred to as solutions. Solutions often may appear to be one pure substance, but some simple tests can show that the solutions are indeed mixtures.

Pure Substances: Elements and Compounds

Elements are the simplest substances. An element is a substance that is made up of only one type of atom. It doesn’t matter if the atoms are in groups, as in P4 or S8, or isolated, as in Na. As long as there is only one kind of atom, the substance is an element. Elements cannot be chemically broken down into anything smaller and still retain the properties of the element. For example, an atom of iron can be smashed into electrons, protons, and neutrons, but those pieces would not have the properties of iron.
Atoms from two or more elements can chemically combine to form a new substance. Compounds are substances that are made up of more than one type of atom. In other words, compounds are chemical combinations of elements. These combinations form new substances with completely different properties than the atoms from which they were formed.
The image above is a model of water. Water is a compound consisting of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen. Hydrogen is an explosive gas, and oxygen is a gaseous substance that supports combustion. Yet, when these two elements are chemically combined to form water, the product neither burns nor supports combustion. In fact, water is used to put out fires.
molecule is the smallest particle of a compound. If you break up the molecule, you no longer have the properties of the compound. Molecules, like atoms, are too small to be seen. Even with the most powerful microscopes, we have only seen the very largest of molecules.
The illustration above shows a single unit of the compound called sodium chloride on the left. This single unit is made up of one sodium ion and one chloride ion. Sodium is a very reactive metal that explodes in water and burns in air, while chlorine is a very deadly, poisonous gas. When these two are combined, we get table salt (sodium chloride). When sodium chloride is in solid form, many units join together, as illustrated above on the right.

Elements: Names and Symbols

Everything, from ants to galaxies, is composed of atoms. So far, scientists have discovered or created 118 different types of atoms. Scientists have given a name to each different type of element and organized them into a chart called the periodic table. As you can see in the table below, each square contains one of the elements.
Each element not only has its own name, it also has its own symbol. Scientists use abbreviations called chemical symbols to represent the elements. Many of these symbols are the first one or two letters of the modern name of the element. The first letter of a chemical symbol must always be a capital letter, and the second letter, when there is a second letter, must always be a lowercase letter. Table below shows some examples of elements and their symbols.
Examples of Elements
As seen in Table below, the symbols for some of the elements consist of the first letter of the name and another letter (not the second letter) that comes later in the name.
More Examples of Elements
For other elements, the symbols were already used for other elements. When trying to decide on a symbol for silver, for example, the symbol S was already used for sulfur, and the symbol Si was already used for silicon. Since silver has been known to man for over a thousand years, it had a Latin name from ancient times. The old Latin name for silver wasargentum, so it was decided that the symbol for silver would be Ag. There are a number of symbols chosen in this same manner, as seen in Table below.
Examples of Elements Whose Symbol Comes from Latin
ElementAncient NameSymbol

Compounds: Chemical Formulas

The chemical symbols are not only used to represent the elements, they are also used to write chemical formulas for the millions of different compounds. For a given chemical compound, the law of constant composition states that the ratio by mass of the elements in the compound is always the same, regardless of the source of the compound. The law of constant composition can be used to distinguish between compounds and mixtures. Compounds have a constant composition, and mixtures do not. Pure water is always 88.8% oxygen and 11.2% hydrogen by weight, regardless of the source of the water. Brass is an example of a mixture. Brass consists of two elements, copper and zinc, but it can contain as little as 10% or as much as 45% zinc.
The formula for a compound uses the symbols to indicate the type of atoms involved and uses subscripts to indicate the number of each atom in the formula. For example, aluminum combines with oxygen to form the compound aluminum oxide. Forming aluminum oxide requires two atoms of aluminum and three atoms of oxygen. Therefore, we write the formula for aluminum oxide as \text{Al}_2\text{O}_3. The symbol \text{Al} tells us that the compound contains aluminum, and the subscript 2 tells us that there are two atoms of aluminum in each molecule. The \text{O} tells us that the compound contains oxygen, and the subscript 3 tells us that there are three atoms of oxygen in each molecule. It was decided by chemists that when the subscript for an element is 1, no subscript needs to be used. Thus the chemical formula \text{MgCl}_2 tells us that one molecule of this substance contains one atom of magnesium and two atoms of chlorine. The formula for sodium chloride is \text{NaCl}, which indicates that the compound contains one atom each of sodium and chlorine. The formula for sodium carbonate, \text{Na}_2\text{CO}_3, indicates that there are two atoms of sodium, one atom of carbon, and three atoms of oxygen. In formulas that contain parentheses, the subscript outside of the parentheses applies to everything inside. For example, the subscript 2 in \text{Ca(OH)}_2, the subscript 2 applies to the (OH). Therefore, this molecule of calcium hydroxide contains one atom of calcium, two atoms of oxygen, and two atoms of hydrogen.

Lesson Summary

  • All matter has mass and occupies space.
  • Matter can be classified into two broad categories: pure substances and mixtures.
  • A pure substance is a form of matter that has constant composition and constant properties throughout the sample.
  • Mixtures are physical combinations of two or more substances.
  • Elements and compounds are both example of pure substances.
  • Compounds are substances that are made up of more than one type of atom.
  • Elements are the simplest substances made up of only one type of atom.
  • The elements are organized into a chart called the periodic table.
  • Scientists use abbreviations called chemical symbols to represent the elements.
  • The first letter of a chemical symbol is capitalized, and the second letter is not.

Further Reading / Supplemental Links

You may listen to Tom Lehrer’s humorous song “The Elements” with animation at this website.
This website provides a review about matter and the categories of matter.

Review Questions

  1. Pure substances contain only one type of
    1. atoms only.
    2. molecules only.
    3. atoms or molecules.
    4. mixture.
  2. What type of mixture produces the same properties for every sample of the mixture?
    1. heterogeneous
    2. homogeneous
    3. mechanical
    4. environmental
  3. Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?
    1. pure gold
    2. distilled water
    3. helium
    4. milk
  4. Which of the following is not a heterogeneous mixture?
    1. concrete
    2. pizza
    3. sugar water
    4. soup
  5. If you can easily see the different parts that make up a mixture, you know that it is a ______ mixture.
    1. homogeneous
    2. heterogeneous
    3. biodegradable
    4. plasma
  6. What do we call a material that is composed of two or more pure substances?
    1. a compound
    2. an element
    3. a mixture
    4. a heterogeneous mixture
  7. Identify the following mixtures as homogeneous or heterogeneous.
    1. brass
    2. sugar dissolved in water
    3. vegetable soup
  8. Identify which of the following pure substances are elements and which are compounds.
    1. table salt
    2. oxygen
    3. water
  9. A pure substance composed of two or more elements chemically combined is a
    1. homogeneous mixture.
    2. compound.
    3. element.
    4. heterogeneous mixture.
  10. The smallest piece of a compound that still has all the properties of the compound is a
    1. atom.
    2. formula.
    3. mixture.
    4. molecule.
  11. Identify the elements involved in the compound \text{H}_2\text{SO}_4.
  12. How many phosphorus atoms are present in one molecule of \text{H}_3\text{PO}_4?