Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chemistry I: Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom

Thank you for allowing me to guest teach in your class today!  
Here are the links for today's activities

PowerPoint Notes
Orbitron Activity (Please open in Safari or Firefox)

Answer the following questions.  

  1. What is the overall shape of all the s orbitals?
  2. How would you describe the shape of the p orbitals?
  3. How many orbitals do each of the s, p, d, and f sublevels contain?
  4. How is the number of orbitals related to the number of electrons in each sublevel? (check the powerpoint for this one!)
  5. Before you look at the g sublevel, how many orbitals would you predict? (Check your prediction).
  1. How many sublevels are contained in each of the principle energy levels (1-7)?

Useful Files:
Our Periodic Map

Biochemistry Lecture: Disaccharides

Thank you for allowing me to guest teach in your classroom!  

Here are the resources we will use in class today

Lecture Notes:  An Introduction to Disaccharides

3D Molecular Modeling (open in Safari or Firefox)